THE OLD RECTORY, a three-storeyed house backing
against a steep hillside, was built by Rev. Owen Owen, vicar
of the parish, ca. 1750.1 It was enlarged to the E. in the 19th
century,2 and an earlier single-storey wing abuts the W. gable.
The original block, built of roughly coursed stone now partly
rendered, has symmetrical fenestration on the S. front though
the fittings have been renewed. The roofand stacks are modern.
The interior of the house has been altered, but the original
staircase retains square newels and moulded handrail of early
18th-century type; the balusters are later. The stair-well has
contemporary panelling.
I A mural tablet on the N. wall of the chancel in the Parish Church
(No. 1641) records his building of the parsonage and his death in 1765.
2 ‘Augmented and improved by the present rector’, Hyde Hall,
Condition: good.
SH 26653398 39 S.E. 18 vi 57 39 S.E.
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