(1651) PLATFORM HOUSES, N.E. ofMur-du, at about 500 ft.
above O.D. on ground falling to the W. The site is much
ruined, and all dimensions are approximate. House (i), 21 ft.
E.-W. by II ft., reduced to slight grassy banks, stands on a
platform 27 ft. by 18 ft., at the S. end of an enclosure 25 yds.
N.-S. by 18 yds. The enclosing banlc is about 4 ft. wide and
3 ft. high, but the S. end is destroyed by modem walls. The N.
bank continues for at least another 15 jtts: to the E. Sixteen
yards to the N. is a similar enclosure, 40 yds. N.-S. by 20 yds.,
with a similar platform house (ii) at the N. end, on a platform
19ft. wide, with a well preserved hood about 4 ft. high
at the E. end. The N.W. corner ofthe enclosure is cut offby a
modem leat, which has destroyed the W. end ofthe house and
platform. At the N.W. angle ofthe enclosure is a hollow 11ft.
in diameter, with traces of stone walling, possibly a damaged
round hut.
Seventy yards to the N.W. is another house-platform (iii),
46 ft. E.-W. by 24 ft.
An old field-bank runs from near the S.E. corner of the
first enclosure for about 250 yds. E. by S., in a slight curve.
Condition: poor.
SH 27323504 13 v 58 39 N.E. Unnoted
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