(1629) HUTS AND PLATFORM HOUSES near Saethon

An oval enclosure, about 30 yds. N.W.-S.E. by 20 yds., stands at 400 ft. above a.D. on ground falling gently to the S.W. The enclosing wall is reduced to a bank about 10 ft. wide and 3 ft. high; there appear to have been an entrance on the S.W., a hut 15 ft. in diameter in the S.E. end, and perhaps a similar hut in the N.E. end, but the whole site is much robbed and ruined. It stands at the N. apex of a small area of terraced fields, now much ploughed over, which extended about 250 yds. to the S.E. and 100 yds. to the S.W. About 150 yds. to the S. (at SH 29203220) are two platform houses (without hoods), both about 15 ft. N.E.-S.W. by 10 ft. The E. corner of the more westerly house lies 8 yds. N.W. of the W. corner of the other. A building is shown on this site on the MS. a.s. map of 1816.
Condition: Poor
5 iii 57
40 SW Unnoted

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