The outline coincides fairly closely with the 700-ft. contour forming roughly an equilateral triangle with sides about 100 ye’s. long, with the E. side running N.-S. The defences on the E. and S.W. sides are almost entirely formed by the precipitous faces of two narrow ridges of bare rock; a narrow gap in the S.W. side near the S. apex has apparently been closed by a rampart, but this has been almost entirely removed to build a modem wall. The N.W. side for a length of about 80 yds. is formed by a wall of rubble with an outer face of laid masonry of medium-sized blocks remaining in places to a height of about 2 ft.; the inner face is not visible, but the wall was 7 or 8 ft. thick, built against the natural slope. The entrance seems to have been through a natural cleft in the E. side near its N. end. Between the rock ridges a triangular grassy slope falls steeply to the N.W. rampart; its surface is irregular, but shows no definite trace of huts.
Condition: much ruined
5 iii 57
40 SW Name Only
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