A large two-and three-storeyed house mostly dating from the late 19th century, but incorporating the original house of 1736. Boduan was the home of a younger branch of the Wynn family from the 16th century to the beginning of the 18th, when it became a secondary seat after the marriage of Thomas to the sole heiress of John Glynn of Glynllifon (Vol. lI, No. 1203). The initials T.W. and the date 1736 are carved on a tie beam of the roof of the main block. There is no visible evidence of any earlier structure on the site. The 18th-century block, which is on an E.-W. axis, is flanked by later extensions and its N. face is masked by two large later wings. The original stair (Plate 55) has straight strings, moulded hand-rail and turned balusters, typical of the early 18th century;’ there is a corresponding dado of plain panelling on the walls. Also of this date is the panelling in the ground-floor room to W. of the entrance and the large first- floor salon; it has large plain panels in simple framing and a plain dado beneath. The ceilings of these rooms have a dentilled plaster cornice of the same period. Both panelling and cornice have been reproduced in the late 19th-century refitting of the E. ground-floor room and in many other rooms, including the extra bay added to the W. gable in 1906. Most of the late buildings are dated by cast-iron rain-water heads. The stable courtyard has a tablet inscribed S.W. 1850.
Miscellaneous: (i) Fixed to the wall beneath the stair are two of an oak beam, 3 ft. and 4 ft. 10 ins. long by 91 ins. deep, carved with a row of quatrefoils beneath a cornice of three angular orders decorated with billets. Its history and provenance are unknown, but it seems likely that it once formed part of a rood screen. As its style is unlike any local work but similar to fragments in the churches of Efenechtyd and Llanelidan in Denbighshire,2 it seems likely that it may have come from Rug, Corwen, Merioneth, which is owned by the same family. (ii) A sandstone tablet, 1 ft. 1 in. by 1 ft. 3 ins., inscribed H Dj15 94 from Penprys (No. 1659).

1 See Griffith, Ped., p. 171. The senior branch took the name of Bodvel from their residence (No. 1656).
2 Arch. Camb., 1946, pp. 14,27.

Condition: good.
SH 32653808
20 vii 61
32 SW

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