(1511) LONG HUT AND ENCLOSURES, N.N.W. of Yoke House at I5O ft. above O.D. A natural hillock rising above a marsh contains a small long hut about 22 ft. by 11ft. 6 ins., axis N.\V. by W . The walls are about 4 ft. thick but are much ruined. Just below the hut on the N.W. is a rectangular enclosure lI0 ft. long from N .E. to S.W. by 35 ft . wide, divided laterally into equal halves and defined by well-built
walls faced on both sides. There are also traces of other enclosures
outlined by walls following an irregular course, especially around the base of the hillock.
Condition: fair.
SH 37793715 18 iv 56 40 N .E. Unnoted