One end set in the floor; a rough slate pillar, 5 ft. high (above floor), 18 ins. wide, tapering to 11 ins. at ends, 13 ins. thick, drilled for gate, four of the holes damaging the inscription. Inscribed on lower and smoother half in roman capitals and some uncials; notably f and h, lightly picked, reading length wise from middle of stone: FIGVLINI FILI!LOCVLlT!HIC IACIT. Of 6th-century type. 1 First reported in 1877, ‘serving as a gate-post to the entrance to the churchyard’, and assumed to have come from the same spot as No. 1675.2 However, the fact that it had been utilised without the inscription being recognised makes it likely that it was found lying close at hand, perhaps in the churchyard itself.
1 Nash-Williams, No. 95; Macalister, Carpus, No. 387.
2 Arch. Camb., 1877, p. 329.
Condition: good except for drilling
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